PT. Laprint jaya is a company that specializes in label printing that can also be customized to the various needs of our customer business.
Our product have been trusted and used by companies in industrial sectors that is engaged in various fields such as :

Ribbon Label

Our ribbon labels are widely used for sewing labels clothes or carpets application. Our ribbon labels are devided into two types depending on the basic material which are satin material and taffeta material.

Paper Label

We provide many types of PS Label Paper according to its basic material such as cast coated, semi coated, HVS, thermal and etc. Our paper material can be customized to customer’s needs.

Film Label

Our flexible and versatile film labels are divided into two types: white and transparent vinyl with 4 color choices (white, transparent, gold and silver). Generally, our film labels are used for waterproof products and require low temperature resistance.


Adding the attraction to the print with the application of silver or gold that is combined to the print using a heat and adhesive system.


Protects printouts and products from every outdoor factors such as weather , sunlight, and friction in logistics.
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